Saturday, January 10, 2009

Double Take!

I have a story to tell and then a question to ask.
Last night Derek and I went to the video store to rent a movie for our date night. I get out of his car and I'm walking next to him into the store when two guys walk in front of us. One of them very obviously looked me up and down, then did a double take... then ANOTHER ONE! Seriously? I was walking into the store holding a guys hand and you still look me up and down? I'm not saying it wasn't flattering... but if a girl were looking Derek up and down while I was standing next to him, I would a little upset. He took it as a complement. I'm just curious here...
Why do women have a different idea of what is acceptable and what isn't as far as flirting? And how exactly do men view flirting? I think I could really go on and on about this subject, but I would really prefer to find out what everyone else thinks before I give my input.
Thanks for your consideration! : )


  1. Okay, I talked to Eric about this last night. He said that he was with Derek on this one, let me explain. He said it was dependant on how secure you feel in your relationship, he said this kind of thing wouldn't bother him with me but he has had past relationships where it has. He found himself wondering if his girlfriend thought the other guy was cute, if she'd call him if she had his number, etc. It also depends on how commited you are to the relationship - again, if you have a wandering eye you will think your "mate" does too.

  2. Here's what he said about flirting: once it becomes something you wouldn't be able to do in front of your significant other; in other words, when it becomes a secret, it's wrong. He didn't say this, but I think you need to take your boyfriend/girlfriend's feelings into account. Just because it's not something that makes you uncomfortable doesn't mean it won't make them uncomfortable and visa/versa.
